• Question: why does space exsist?

    Asked by Leila to Aimee, Gemma, Hussain, Robert, Ross on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Robert Lees

      Robert Lees answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      The rest of the universe, space and beyond, exists because of a very high energy expansion from a central point in the universe, and things in space are moving further apart from each other, creating more space in between! Imagine a balloon before you blow it up, with galaxies drawn on the outside, evenly spaced.

      When you blow the balloon up, the galaxies move further apart from each other, still evenly spaced apart. This is a bit like what is happening in the universe, more space is being created all the time in between galaxies. A physicist would be able to explain it better than I can.

      There is a lot of evidence for this theory, but we have few explanations for why this happened. It could be possible that sometimes there are no answers to why the universe came to be. But nobody has stopped thinking about it.
