• Question: is the black hole reall

    Asked by 278tund47 to Aimee, Gemma, Hussain, Robert, Ross on 7 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Hussain Jaffery

      Hussain Jaffery answered on 7 Nov 2015:

      Love this question! There are many mathematical theories which support the idea of Black Holes. For example, Stephen Hawing proposed the idea that the universe began in a ‘big bang’ from what was once just a black hole.

      Because by their very definition, blackholes absorb all light, radio waves, microwaves and X-rays, we can’t see them directly. We can only look around and the surrounding stars that are visible and infer their existence.

      The current best models of the universe say the there are black holes at the centre of our very own galaxy, the Milky Way, helping it hold together. Black holes may also be some of the farthest objects in the universe, if they are in fact what is known as quasars – really bright and really far pulses of light at the edge of out universe!

      There are lots of convincing theories and so far the science says yes there are probably black holes in reality, but only more research and studying of space will give us better, more confident answers about the truth of black holes!

    • Photo: Aimee Goodall

      Aimee Goodall answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      Yes. A black hole is an area of space where the gravitational pull (what keeps you from falling of the earth) is really strong, it is so strong that even light can’t escape it and why it is called black.
      Don’t worry though black holes are really rare, the nearest one is thought to be over a 1600 light years away so we will never have to worry about it affecting us.
