• Question: how does bones in our body conect?

    Asked by hubblebubble:D to Hussain on 15 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Hussain Jaffery

      Hussain Jaffery answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      Great question! Bones are obviously different pieces that all seem to connect perfectly to give your body shape.

      The answer is a nicely working Joint. Bones connect end-to-end at joints which have many features. Most bones have cartilage at both ends, which lubricates and provides shock absorption at the joint. There are tendons which connect muscles to bone ends and ligaments which connect different bones together. All of these ‘connective tissues’ are then wrapped in bubble-like membrane called the synovium which is filled with a lubricating fluid for the joint.

      All of these things make your joints flexible, durable, and well connected. 😉
