• Question: how does the earth spin around

    Asked by 586tund47 to Hussain on 7 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Hussain Jaffery

      Hussain Jaffery answered on 7 Nov 2015:

      In short: the spin comes from how giant stars and planets form, heat up, and cool down. The Earth spins around on its axis today, because of the way it was formed, in the early solar system.

      Imagine your are transported back to 4.6 billion years ago in our neighbourhood of stars. There are a few things happening:

      There are no planets yet. There’s on big gaseous blob of dusty stuff that has just collected from a much larger and ancient cloud of gas and dust. This blob only formed from remains of other ancient stars that died and exploded their insides out.

      Because every grain of dust or molecule of gas is attracted to every other through the force of gravity, this blob begins to collect more and more material, until it starts to get really hot. Think of a glowing orange circle with a large disc frisbee-like disc of dust and gas around it.

      The heating of the new sun and its cool cause it to spin and form a disc. Some larger chunks in this disc will become the planets, including the Earth.

      This is how the orbit of Earth is started. The spin of the Earth happens as the newly formed planet begins to cool, itself, a lot like the Sun, and because of its orbit around the sun.
